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Talent Management Assessment
Psychometric Testing


Our talent management assessment tools help your organization manage talent by measuring candidate job-fit, development needs, career options and leadership potential.


The assessment provides a clear framework for understanding the impact of personality on job performance. Unlike other personality measures, the assessment measures personality traits that are directly related to the work environment and job performance, making interpretation of results straight forward.


Based on a model of 21 personality traits that measure distinct aspects of work behaviour, the assessment describes an individual’s style in terms of job related strengths and weaknesses - giving you a complete picture of an individual's work style.


The reports provide valuable information to assist with selecting employees, team building, coaching, employee retention, leadership development and succession planning.


If you would like to have a job candidate or existing member of your team assessed, email us at

 testing for aptitude 


Talent Management: Employee Selection, Individual Development, Leadership Development, Team Building.

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